BRAIN BLUEPRINT ANALYSIS is a biometric analysis based on the scientific study of fingerprints. 

This Analysis is useful for all age groups, it is particularly beneficial for parents and teachers to understand a child's innate strengths as well as areas that need molding. Armed with this information that is obtained purely from the child's biometric, BRAIN BLUEPRINT assessments give crisp actionable insights and appropriate career recommendations.

Our fingerprints reveal to us what we need and how we learn, transforming our lives through a holistic education approach.



Brain BluePrint Assessmentt

Brain BluePrint Assessment is a biometric analysis based on the scientific study of fingerprints. It is useful for all age groups, it is particularly beneficial for parents and teachers to understand a child's innate strengths as well as areas that need molding. Armed with this information that is obtained purely from the child's biometric, Brain BluePrint assessments give crisp actionable insights and appropriate career recommendations.

Benefits of Brain BluePrint Analysis for Children: 

	Know your child inborn talents and natural character
	Identify your Children innate abilities
	Understand best learning style for Your Child
	Customize the learning programs based on Child learning style
	Select the Activities based upon their Multiple Intelligence and innate abilities
	Know your creative and analytical mind. Right and left side of mind
	Know your 8 Multiple Intelligence Distribution
	Know Personal Quotients: IQ, EQ, CQ AQ and SQ
	Know your Best Learning Communication Characters
	Comparison between right and left brain hemispheres
	Identify your supplementary activities based on Analysis
	Get Career guidance based upon 8 Multiple Intelligences
	Analysis of Strength and Weaknesses based on your brain lobes usages
	Know your preferred best Learning Style. Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic Learning Style. 
	Improve the relationship between children and parents
	Understand the right parenting techniques and teaching


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